Friday, 25 December 2015


So..... it's Christmas day and I have been a bad, bad book blogger.......

It's been several months since my last proper post. Several months during which I have read MANY great books and yet I haven't posted anything on here. Slap my wrist immediately!!

In my defence I have had a very busy few months. Promotions at work have meant that I am WAY more involved in the running and management of the place. This is great, but it does mean that I have been putting in some crazy hours and making time to read takes priority over writing about making time to read. Sorry folks but that's the truth.... without the reading I don't know that I could go on, writing about it is VERY much secondary to that in my heart.

However... a new year is almost upon us; and I'm pledging to make a resolution. My resolution for 2016 is to take the time to write about my book habits at least once a week. That's a mere 52 posts, something that I have every intention of squeezing into my schedule.

So for now let us all eat, drink and be merry. We have all had a nice little heap of books as gifts I am sure now is the time to read them and we'll talk soon. ;)

Laters people.

Merry Christmas!!

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